From Cleanings to Crowns: Navigating Common Dental Treatments With Ease

Dental crowns encase damaged or weakened teeth, restoring their strength and appearance and improving their ability to function. They also protect vulnerable tooth roots against further damage, such as from biting down on hard foods or suffering from a fracture or crack. The success of this restorative dentistry treatment hinges on effective oral hygiene practices and mindful care. By mastering gentle brushing and flossing techniques, utilizing interdental brushes, and adopting a tooth-friendly diet, patients can significantly enhance the lifespan of their dental crowns.

Oral hygiene is the foundation of any dental care routine, and it’s equally important for patients with dental crowns and bridges. Consistently using a soft-bristle toothbrush, fluoride toothpaste, and dental floss will help keep the surrounding areas clean, reducing bacteria levels and the risk of decay or gum disease. A regular regimen of these habits also helps prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar around the edges of a crown, preventing the onset of a root canal infection.

The effectiveness of cleaning techniques and habits directly correlates with the durability of dental crowns, so it’s essential to be vigilant. Patients who neglect to brush and floss their teeth can see the integrity of their crowns deteriorate, especially near the gumline. The area may become inflamed or swollen, and the tooth underneath could suffer from bacterial infections or cracks. If left untreated, these complications can escalate to the point where the crown is no longer effective and needs to be replaced.

A swollen or inflamed crown can also cause pain, which can be difficult to manage. Patients should avoid chewing or biting hard foods until they’re able to schedule an emergency appointment with their dentist. Using an over-the-counter dental adhesive or sugarless gum can temporarily hold the crown in place while waiting for the dentist.

Dental crowns are an investment in the long-term health of your smile, so it’s crucial to do everything you can to ensure their longevity and effectiveness. Regular visits with your dentist will allow you to receive professional recommendations and advice that will safeguard your crowns’ condition. Your dentist will be able to identify early signs of wear and tear and address them promptly, helping you enjoy your dental crowns for years to come.

A foul odor under a dental crown can indicate trapped food particles, bacterial infections, or a faulty or cracked crown. Improving your oral hygiene regimen, minimizing exposure to acidic or sugary foods, and using mouthwash can help eliminate the odor. If you continue to notice a bad smell, call a Northbrook dentist for an appointment for a thorough evaluation and treatment.